Monday, January 14, 2008

misidentification or it's too early to be John Candy

This morning, Tessa had a Bollywood gig in Film City. I walked her to a tuk-tuk (apparently I am the only here who calls them put-puts so I will stick to correct terminology because this is a factual place and I need to maintain my current high level of trust from both my readers, hi mom and dad) and told the driver to go south towards Bandra. I wave good-bye to Tessa and start walking north towards the train station (bollywood girls take tuk-tuks, unemployed scientists take trains). Then I see a tuk-tuk going by me that I thought contained Tessa. I start running next to it (they're not known for their speed) and start yelling "you're going the wrong way". I expressed some righteous indignation against this scummy driver who obviously plans to take a long route to the destination. As I huff and puff, the driver and the business man in the back seat stick their heads out and stare at me in bewilderment while never letting up speed. As they slowly chug out of sight, I just stop to laugh and laugh at myself. Luckily, I get to do that a lot.

PS: This might be a new parentheses record. Still waiting on results from the judges...


Anonymous said...

"That's not 2 pillows"

Anonymous said...